How to apply for ITRI Type Verification approval for Ex electrical equipment?
ITRI is the type verification institute approved and designated by Ministry of Labor. To apply for ITRI type verification, applicants shall submit application documents on our online submission system ( Application guides and documents are also provided on the system for free download. Note that the application submission system is currently designed in Chinese language mainly for domestic use. For foreign applicants, please contact us for direct assistance.
What is the prerequisites for applicants?
In most cases, applicants shall be companies (importers, distributors/dealers, authorized agencies) or manufacturers legally registered in Taiwan. Foreign manufacturers can also be applicants instead of assigning local agent applicants in Taiwan. Individuals are not allowed to be applicants. Applications submitted by factories, users, or engineering consulting companies without manufacturers’ authorization are only allowed for unit verification with specified serial numbers and limited items.
Is there any “fast-track approach” to obtain ITRI Type Verification Certificate
for foreign certified Ex items?
According to current regulations, ITRI cannot issue certificates by direct accepting other certificates (e.g., the IECEx CoC) without assessment of document review or tests. For foreign certified Ex items, applicants can provide valid certificates, along with associate test reports, quality assessment document, necessary technical drawings and documents for review process to waive repeated and additional tests.
How to apply ITRI Type Verification for IECEx-certified items or ones certified
to other foreign regional scheme?
Two methods are available: 1). Type tests conducted by ITRI (or by manufacturers under ITRI witness, or by our authorized cooperative test laboratory); or 2). Tests (partially or fully) waived by review of foreign certification documents (valid certificate, test reports, quality reports, associate technical drawings and documents). Note that test reports irrelevant to or not based on applicable IEC standards may not be accepted.
How is the validity period decided to ITRI Type Verification Certificates issued based on review of foreign certification documents?
According to the official announcement (勞安2字第1000146278號) by Ministry of Labor regarding the rules to determine certificate validity period for type verification based on review of foreign certification documents, the brief criteria summarizes as follows:
  1. Three years for documents (certificate and test reports) based on IECEx certification documents (or others indicating FULL compliance with IEC standards with valid quality assessment) issued by foreign ExCBs having mutual agreement on test report acceptance with ITRI.
  2. Two years for documents (certificate and test reports) based on IECEx certification documents (or others indicating FULL compliance with IEC standards with valid quality assessment) issued by foreign ExCBs that DO NOT have mutual agreement on test report acceptance with ITRI.
  3. One year for documents (certificate and test reports) which are NOT based on IECEx certification or other non-IEC compliant documents issued by foreign CBs
Note that this official announcement is NOT a permanent regulation and could be amended by Ministry of Labor where appropriate. In addition, ITRI may possess the rights to consider the acceptance of foreign certificates documents.
Can ITRI Type Verification Certificates which are issued based on review of
foreign certification documents get renewal when the validity expired?
In general, certifcates renewal is allowed for ITRI Type Verification certificates with Three-year validity. Certificates which are issued based on review of foreign certification documents can have renewal if they are issued with three-year validity.